Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The process of this Journey is Slow

I am finding that the goals I have set may take a little longer then I desired. With the Insurance stuff from the fire, with take priority over everything else I am finding that I will be a little behind schedule. That's okay...Not a problem and nothing for me to get upset about. Its life, just cant wait till its over with and truly in the past.
I am still working on all my goals its a never ending process. My current status is that I am done with 2 of the Napkin Journals and will continue working on the rest. I have a ton of little projects waiting to be completed. I just need to focus on one at a time. I need to stop doing "my Normal" start a project and not complete it....This causes a lot of project stack up problems and this cause clutter. See I am already learning something from this Journey process. Ya ME.....
Well I am off to get some more organization done of the "scrapbook room from Heck" Wish me luck.

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